Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recently Overheard.....

Flintstones Complete Gummies Vitamins
  • "They're hard as a rock!" - You, Brock, referring to gummy vitamins offered one morning when I decided we really must start taking our vitamins faithfully.  The (very) old bottle of vitamins has since been replaced with a fresh one.  For all to note, we have been doing much better lately with our daily vitamin routine.
  • "1,2 Skidoo Quickie" - Our new term for brief (and completely inadequate) teeth-brushing effort.  Even shorter that the "1,2,3 Quickie" which has sometimes occurred late evenings e.g., on a Friday night.
  • "A kid at school owes me $70", Brock said to me. (What?)  Upon further inquiry it was revealed that you Brock and your friend Stephen made a $10 bet, which Stephen lost.  When I asked you what the bet was over, you said "It's complicated".  OK....  Brock, you further explained that Stephen did not pay up - so you're now charging him $10 in interest per week, recently accrued to $70 total.  Yikes!!  Maybe you will go into banking or, though I sincerely hope not, organized crime.
  • "Are you a Marine or a little boy??" - Steve's question to Brock, who was ready to turn back after only a three quarter mile walk & scooter ride on the dike behind Midway Shopping Center. Brock's reply?  "A little boy!"  When Steve asked his young daughters the Marine question (substituting "girl" for "boy"), amazingly enough, he always got the same answer.
  • "Maybe they can make a fashionable pink one for you!" - Text from Steve received as I was going for an x-ray on my hand, regarding potential cast if it was fractured.  Thankfully, turned out not to be broken (just bruised).  Yahoo!  Lesson Learned: especially when past age 40, avoid falls in rocky creek beds. 
  • "..., My Love" - Brock's very affectionate wife talking to him on the game Skyrim, which Brock and Sasha play regularly.  Skyrim is a video game, which impresses me all the more having realized how complex it is (Read here -->  The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim).  I've watched you fighting dragons, ogres, and trolls, as well as talking to various characters.  In my opinion, Brock doesn't appreciate wife Lydia enough.....  you say she "blabs", but to me she seems quite loyal.   You've also told me about your dog Viglance, and more recently a new dog Barbos.  I was quite disappointed to find out that your name on the game is Robby (!) - thought for sure it would be "Dogmar" or something equally old-fashioned.  You've further told me the you are a Redguard (Redguards) and Sasha is a Wood Elf (Wood Elves).  Very cool, and what-a-ya know, here's Lydia!

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