Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Another week has gone by.  Around the world, everything is changing.  Fundamental things in our daily lives are different - other than driving around a bit for a change of scenery, walks around town and getting groceries & some takeout food we are staying home.  It occurred to me this morning that we all like our houses, which is truly a blessing....  we are happy at home, a line that sticks in my mind from the Queen song "You're My Best Friend".

Government leaders are making critical decisions that will affect lives, including potentially lives of our family members (although we have a first world healthcare system, the US was not effective in pandemic planning and is struggling to respond cohesively).  It seems like we have some tough choices, but the best way forward is to shut things down as much as possible NOW to reduce infections.  One fantastic thing is that it appears that Steve and I will keep our jobs (working at home), which unfortunately many other people are losing. It's a scary time.  The stock market is incredibly volatile, we are almost certainly headed for a recession, and there is a glut of oil on the market (unheard of in my lifetime), but not surprising with travel restrictions, flight & cruise cancellations and drop in commercial/industrial demand as the economy weakens.

After a long and tiring week of work juggling my normal job responsibilities & business continuation, listening to the news I am feeling a little emotional today.  Alex, while Gerrity's seems to be doing an especially good job with meeting needs of our community, I'm worried about you being exposed at work.  I'm worried about Grammie and Grandad, who have been doing their own shopping - a very bad idea, in particular because Montgomery County has the most cases in Pennsylvania.  I worry about Steve, since he has asthma.  Not so much about you, Rob, as I have you home & know you are sticking close.  What if any of us get sick or our friends, kids/teachers at school or co-workers get sick?

So what to do now?  Try to keep washing hands, using hand sanitizer and not touching your face.  Aunt Pam is giving video lessons, which her kids enjoy plus they are practicing a lot (!)  She is also recording hymns/music which is being included with services that Pastor Jen Baer at Trinity is recording and posting on-line, since church services are suspended.  Alex, you are working hard between on-line classes at Misericordia U and stocking produce.  And (finally, after a few months) you are getting a hair cut tomorrow with Kim at A Little Off the Top!  Rob, you have been doing school assignments, playing on-line games and driving with me.  Steve is keeping busy with Olympia Chimney work, watching "scam the scammer" videos and doing some yard clean-up (though it's still cold).  Alex, I've been doing Prudential work in your room which is quite comfortable - and the kitties don't seem to mind sharing their space.  I'm also trying to do cleaning projects, plus baked banana bread this morning (with loaves for Daisy Ct and Davenport St).  It is comforting to do simple things like watch videos on You Tube.  So here's one that makes me smile, a wonderful choir competition performance from the TV show Glee:

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