As an update on what's been happenin' lately....
Hurricane Sandy: Last week, we were fortunate to have a relatively light brush with effects of Hurricane Sandy. .....although Brock did manage to get our Ikea blue & yellow umbrella blown inside out(!) The wind was fierce, but rain was not so bad. In the metro Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area, there were minimal issues with power outages - in fact, we never lost power. You boys missed 2 days of school, which isn't bad compared to some local districts that closed Monday-Friday (you were sorry last week, but will probably be happy about it come June!). It was very, very different in New Jersey, where many of my co-workers live (some of whom lost power for over a week and are having to wait in long lines for gas). You may have noticed some early morning and evening emails & phone calls, as Steve and I tried to get information out to people we work with. By the end of the week, I was
very glad that things were almost back to normal.
Halloween: This year for Halloween, Brock dressed as a Spartan - and picked out the image below showing armor & sword just like his costume. Brock wore his costume to the October cub scout pack meeting. When Halloween did arrive, we went trick-or-treating with Dad, after rehearsing the Halloween verse:
"Witches, ghosts and goblins, Walking down the street. Knock on every doorway, "Trick or Treat".
We also heard this joke:
"What did the abominable snowman give to the vampire? 'Frost bite!'"
Lately, there are very few houses where kids have to have to sing, do a trick, tell a joke etc. in exchange for candy. There are also lots more people giving out healthy stuff like pretzels - eek!
Norse Gods: We are now reading the D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths. Am not certain I pronounce many names correctly, but we do enjoy the stories. You boys especially like troublemaker Loki (pictured below). We had a big laugh about the Vanir beheading the wise Mimir, and sending his head to Asgard. Odin brought Mimir's head back to life, then kept it around for future consultations. And you guys love the idea of Valhalla where warriors spend the after-life fighting all day, then feasting all night after re-attaching various severed parts. We have lots of interesting stories to go!
Some Recent Pictures
- Steve and I visited Grammy and Grandad last month. We had a lovely time at Longwood Gardens, which you probably think is incredibly boring. Longwood Gardens was originally an estate owned by the du Pont family. You can read about the owner here --> Pierre du Pont ... sound familiar? The du Pont family started a gunpowder mill in the early 1800's, and it has since become a huge chemical company. Steve took many beautiful pictures, including the next two below.
I went to Longwood Gardens as a girl and remember these sculpted bushes.
Grammie especially liked the waterlilies.
And here's all of us "old folks"!
- Last, here are some of my pictures..... our house at Sharpe Street on a pretty fall day.
Hurricane Sandy brought down the last of the pretty leaves, and now it's on to November. Holiday time is coming up before long!