Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Our Careers (Goodbye to Prudential)

Today was sad... my last day working at Prudential's office.  Monday, July 1 will be my final day with the company.  My full-time work life began right out of college in 1986, starting as a management trainee at First Eastern Bank (where I met Laura Lewis).  I later worked at PNC Bank, National Westminster Bank and Fleet Bank.  After a succession of mergers, it seemed wise to leave banking behind me.  One of my co-workers at NatWest had left for a job in Prudential's retirement business, and based on her recommendation I was hired in 1998.  So from the time you were about 18 months old Alex, and for the last 26 years I've been working at Prudential.  I didn't plan to work in financial services (after being a Government major in college), but I did plan to get established and then work part-time when I had kids.  

That plan became a reality.  I was able to work mostly part-time from the time you were born Rob for about 10 years.  That makes me incredibly happy, and even so I know you realize my job was always a big priority.  Prior to COVID-19 which led to working remotely from home, my workstation (complete with many photos of you boys) at the Scranton/Moosic office really was my "home away from home", from 8:30-5 or so most days.  Here are some of the reasons I think our careers matter....

.... they give us a purpose.  We need a reason to get out of bed in the morning, to be challenged to develop new skills and to strive for longer-term goals.

.... they enable us to pay bills, save and when necessary borrow money, all of which are absolute necessities.

.... we meet many interesting and intelligent people, make friends and keep on learning new things.

Alex, seems like your career in Human Resources (so far) is off to a great start at AZEK.  Rob, can't wait to find out where your Paper Engineering college degree will take you.  And I'm not done quite yet as I expect to get another job before long, but the majority of my career is behind me now.  Prudential is a (Fortune 500) premier employer in Northeast Pennsylvania, so not suprising that the company demands a lot of and also rewards its employees.  It wasn't easy - I dealt with excess workload often, stress and some travel especially to Hartford and Newark.  But Prudential did allow me extra time to enjoy being your Mom, funds to live independently and support you, and (partnering with Steve) enough extra money for important things like a nice house, cars, vacations, college expenses and saving for the future.  I was fortunate to have bosses who were flexible with work hours to allow for school, daycare, summer camp, appointments, sports, etc.  By far the best part of working at Prudential was getting to know Steve over many years, then starting to date each other in 2010, quickly becoming true partners and marrying in 2015.

Grandad has said that beginnings and endings are hard.  My beginning at Prudential was a rough time, banking largely did not prepare me for the complexities of the retirement business.  The biggest challenge was to pass two securities registration exams within 4 months of being hired while studying largely outside of work hours, which was super difficult with an 18-month old at home.  I was miserable, and several times almost quit.  It took about a year to get my new job figured out.  In contrast, the ending has not been bad.  I was told my position would be eliminated over 3 months ago, I've had relatively light duty since then and I'll get a generous severance package.  It is still a wrench, though, to lose part of my identity and "belonging" as a Pru employee, leave a workplace that has been super important (including as a haven when my personal life was unhappy) and to likely lose touch with co-workers.  Steve knows exactly what this is like, since after 27+ years his Prudential job was abruptly eliminated in 2016.

But life goes on.  I'm happy to have time off this summer to relax, visit Grammie and Grandad, take some short trips and help you Rob with launching into ESF in Syracuse.  As Steve (who just gave me a hug) often says, there is much left to do!!

Here are Scranton office pictures, including of a "piece of  the rock" by the front entrance.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 2024 Events

Hey guys, this will be a relatively short update on what's going on lately.  To start with, we're having a heat wave.  The high today was 92 degrees according to my car thermometer, and it's going to be hotter the next couple days.  Absolutely no cooking tonight - we got pizza from DeMuro's in Pittston.  At Montgomery Ave, our downstairs AC unit has been running all day.  Rob's galileo thermometer shows that it's over 78 degrees but less than 80 degrees in the dining room.  😒   Our roof is being replaced on Thursday (supposedly, in one day), I do feel badly for the crew that will be working up there.

And in spite of that, in the late afternoon Oren found a sun spot to lie in.

So, here is the latest.

  • Working Hard at AZEK - Alex, you just finished coordinating events on 2 Saturdays in May at Cathedral Cemetery.  It was my second year participating to ensure veterans' markers and flags are in place, we had a nice morning together just before Memorial Day.  Then you traveled to work at the New Jersey site last Wed - Thursday.  Plus, on Saturday you spent all day manning a table AZEK sponsored at the Juneteenth celebration in Scranton.  Things seem fine at your place on North St, over the past month you got a lawn mower, weed wacker and air conditioners for your living & bed rooms.  Assume your downstairs is cooler than ours!
  • Early Mornings at Cracker Barrell - Rob, your boss has decided you are suited for early mornings.  So you keep getting 7 am - noon shifts, now 3-4 days per week.  In addition, this week you're taking a medical test (which we hope will finally diagnose the cause of your headaches, neck discomfort, etc.) that involves lying in bed for 48 hours.  That sucks!  The silver lining is that you have parents to bring food and some cheer during this time.  Also, you, Aunt Julie and I spent a somewhat rainy weekend in Ontario visiting Uncle John and family.  Otherwise, you are arranging for an off-campus rental in Syracuse since the ESF dorm is full.  The 12 page lease form just arrived.  

On a heartbreaking note, we discovered that Rambo has a lump at the top of his right leg.  Testing by the vet in April showed it's a cancerous tumour.  He's now 13 years old and we decided against the only treatment likely to help, which is amputating his leg (!)  So far he has been his usual self, he continues to do rollies regularly, spend time on the upstairs porch and have lovely naps.  He's getting extra treats, and occassionally his all time favorite food - tuna fish.

Steve continues to spend lots of time sprucing up our yard, with special attention to flowers.  It looks just lovely around here!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Guest Contributor (Steve) - Bunson Honeydew and Beaker

On the continuing theme of the Muppets...  Your stepdad Steve is happy to write on so many subjects, and as another 70's child he's fond of the Muppets too.  Thank you for sharing with us, Steve!  These particular Muppets also seems appropriate for you, Rob, since your science experiments will advance from Wyoming Area and LCCC labs to a new level at SUNY starting in a few months.


I was asked by Ms. Rivers to write something about my favorite Muppets.  See THIS posting.  I gladly obliged, as I have been a Muppet fan since I was young enough to watch television.  I also really enjoyed her post on Swedish Chef.  Fun fact:  I learned that most actual Swedes…
  1. Don’t think Swedish Chef is very funny.
  2. Think he actually sounds like he’s Norwegian.
As to the primary question at hand, my two favorite Muppets are, without a doubt, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his ever suffering assistant Beaker. 
Why do I like these guys?  Let me count the ways.
First, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew’s head looks like a honeydew.  That’s a win, right off the bat.
Second, I have always been a science nerd, so the fact that these guys (attempts) to do science stuff at Muppet Labs makes them all the cooler.
Third, as a younger person, I felt like Beaker and I shared the same body type.
Fourth, Beaker saying the words “Sadly Temporary”.
Fifth, despite many setbacks, Beaker always comes back for more.  He’s a real trooper.
Here’s a cool example of the Good Doctor and Beaker in action.
Finally, I will add that my daughter Rebecca, when she was younger, could not pronounce the word “Muppet”.  What came out sounded more like “Mutt-Mitt”, which I still find adorable.

Monday, April 29, 2024

What You've Been Missing - Swedish Chef

Growing up in the 1970's, one of my fond memories is of the muppets.  A documentary directed by Ron Howard is coming out soon about their creator Jim Henson, a puppeteer and truly a creative genius.  You can read about the documentary here  -->  Idea Man   

I remember going to The Muppet Movie, which was truly entertaining if you were already familiar with muppet characters and won awards for its music.  At the beginning of the The Muppet Movie, there is a wonderful song by Kermit the Frog - "The Rainbow Connection".  

But the main point of this post is to make sure you have a few laughs watching Swedish Chef, one of the characters from The Muppet Show (which preceded the movie).  So please spend a few minutes enjoying these short clips, maybe a post will follow about Dr Bunson Honeydew and Beaker which are Steve's favorite muppets.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Starting Your Day with a Mad Scramble

At our house, as you know we have rodent visitors in the spring.  Kind of odd, shouldn't this happen during the fall instead?  Small meeces come up from the basement underneath the dishwasher, where there's a large gap that a platoon of mice could deploy from (and results in nasty drafts of cold air in the winter).  They are lured in by Oren & Rambo's food dishes. The first sign of trouble is noticing kitty interest in watching this area of the kitchen.  

We use a "tupperware live catch - feline assisted" control process.  Quite comical, really.  Plus not very efficient, since it's likely that some of the mice come back.  We rely a lot on our resident expert mouse catcher Rob.  The mousy container is brought out from the cabinet under the kitchen sink, and it's off to the races.  Yesterday Oren the Great Hunter had not arrived for breakfast, which was unusual.  Turns out he was in the front hallway staring suspiciously underneath the treadmill.  Earlier this year, we had some good luck with this same situation - Steve lifted up the deck, I held open the front door and a mouse ran outside then scurried off into the bushes.  Once again, there was a mouse but unfortunately Oren immediately caught it.  He prowled around the first floor including behind the couch, growling and rightfully proud of himself.  First he had the mouse by the tail, then he switched to the body with the tail sticking out.  The chase was on, of course Steve and I had no luck.  So Rob, you were woken from slumbers around 7:30 a.m. to your familiar duty.  By the time you left your room, Oren had run upstairs (I especially hate when this happens) into Alex's room.  Presumably you guys have watched Tom & Jerry cartoons....

By the time I got there, you were already holding Oren with mousy.  I closed the door, then put the tupperware container in front of Oren and told him to "drop it!".  At our house, cats periodically get lectures from Steve (about coming to eat when called, not venturing into the big bad world outside, how to use the kitty door to the basement which Oren struggles with).  Of course Oren didn't let go.  So next I held Oren, while Rob you massaged his jaw (a techique you showed me later) and the mouse was free.  He ran into the corner, where you missed catching him and then under the baseboard heating unit.  After fierce wriggling, I put Oren down and he investigated.  The mouse squeaked a bit - finally he ran across the room under the desk, where Rob you got him into the container.  Yay!

He rested in the kitchen, probably stunned, for some time.  (Oren is primarily interested in playing like batting the mouse into the air, thankfully there is no sign of eating it.)  Normally we deposit meeces by the garage.  But this time, the mouse went off to pursue his education at college about 20 miles away.  Rob, you let him out of the tupperware in grass by the LCCC parking lot - there was no sign of him after class was over.  

As you mentioned, perhaps live mice removal could be listed as a skill on your resume.  After you go off to ESF this fall, we'll probably change our methodology to a regular live catch mouse trap.  For now, we'll hope the 2024 mouse visitation season is over.  While we were in St Augustine last month, it was a treat to get your text with this picture of the previous (and maybe the same!) mouse you & Oren captured.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Leaping Through 2024

Yes, it's a leap year.  Which means that Hallie Stark had a 'real' birthday on Feb. 29th, I'd guess she turned 6 this year.  Here is an update on various things that are happening with all of us....

  • Moving Out - It happened in February !  Alex, you moved in to your North Street house after 6 months of wallpaper removal, painting, ceiling replacement, rug replacement, flooring installation, basement water remediation (kind of), various repairs including plumbing and last-but-not-least cleaning.  I will say it felt more like "our" communal house for a while, but you have now taken over.  A bit of unpacking and furniture set-up still to come, but you are mostly set.  You are the lucky recipient of living room couches and tables from your realtor Jill, also Aunt Pam's kitchen table and chairs.  Nice end tables repaired by Furniture Doctor and many kitchen items including an entire dish set came from Aunt Julie and Mark.  Bathroom accessories from Aunt Pam.  A gaming chair and your bedroom furniture from Montgomery Ave.  A microwave from Steve, bedroom rug from me - along with numerous remodeling supplies that we both contributed.  I must be forgetting some things....  You are now considering a lawn mower purchase and ductless air conditioning system, likely to be the last "major" investments for a while.  You had a good time in Cincinatti last week for AZEK work meetings, networking and team building including a Red's baseball game. 
  • Moving On Up - Over the past couple months, Rob you applied to and were accepted as a transfer student at ESF in Syracuse (after being accepted as a high school senior, and taking courses at LCCC as advised by ESF).  We'll be going to an Accepted Students day next month.  This is fantastic following a few rough years!  I am so, so happy that you are feeling pretty well.  Kudos to you for sticking with your college plans in spite of health challenges.  It's truly awesome (I rarely use that word).  This spring semester, you are taking two classes at LCC and working at Cracker Barrell most Saturdays/Sundays.  A couple weeks ago, as a member of the LCC History Club you co-presented on the interesting topic of Ancient Greece (including about Aristotle, Diogenese, the Antikythera mechanism, and knowledge of solar system).  Your latest Chemistry lab project was tye dying shirts for Steve and me - can't wait to see them.  Next week, you are invited to a reception with the LCC Board of Trustees.  Congrats!
  • Meeces (2.05)- Similar to other spring seasons, the kitties spend a lot of time watching the gap under the dishwasher.  To date this year, Oren has caught (or almost caught) two whole mice with all their parts.  As a bonus, Rob you noticed an odd-looking leathery sort of strip on the dining room floor - upon inspection, we decided it was a mouse tail. 😖
  • Muddah -  In January, I became the treasurer for Trinity Church across the street.  It's been nice getting to know a new group of people, and helping the church get re-established after it was closed for a time.  I'm still trying to spend one weekend a month with Grammie & Grandad.  Grandad has limited strength and mobility at this point, it's sad and difficult.  Grammie has household and nursing support, and is dealing with stress as best she can.  Some changes are coming up at work, but I'm expecting things will work out ok even if I'm no longer working at Prudential.  Lastly, Steve and I spent a long weekend in St. Augustine visiting Laura & Ron last month.  It's a treat to spend time in Florida in late winter.
  • Fadduh ("male parent" is too non-descript) - After Steve handled wall repairs, both of us re-painted your bedroom Alex.  It's now the yellow-almond color that you originally picked for your living room - but later decided against.  The room looks great on video conferences !  Currently, Steve has a nasty cold that he apparently picked up from you Rob.  Today he tried out a new, cordless lawn mower that replaces the gas mower I seriously damaged last fall by running over one of the wheels.  It's not a terrible loss, since we brought it over from Sharpe Street.  Good thing we are no longer dealing with a plug-in mower, it's a minor miracle that we never ran over the cord when cutting the grass in Wyoming.  After a long engagement, Korin and Alex suddenly got married in a civil service - thrilled for them!  Shortly before that, Steve got me these lovely, pale pink roses for Valentine's Day.  

  • Moggies - To complete my "m" theme....  did you know, a "moggie" is a UK term for a mixed-breed cat?  I had no idea.  Anyway, here are some recent pictures of our favorite moggies.

The striking and photogenic Martha posing (again) on the upstairs railing in Wyncote.

Rambo waking up from a snooze on the couch.

Oren keeping company while church bills are paid.

Oren investigating the new desk arrangements in my "office" (adorable!).

Oren helping with Prudential work (note lovely room color).

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Thoughts on the Past Year - Alex

Alex, there was so much going on in 2023!  Moving home to Montgomery Ave (not exactly your first choice, but it worked out ok), a trip to Scotland, buying a house and then so much effort fixing it up.  The break-up with Taylor a year ago was rough.  I'm not sure if you saw the email below - I didn't realize until recently that you don't use this gmail address any more.  

What started with an abrupt change in March ultimately led to big decisions and commitments, that's for sure!  I'm proud of what you've accomplished in such a short time.

From: Christine Rivers
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 8:02 PM
To: Alex Carroll <>
Subject: This week
Hi Alex,

This email may ramble a bit, I wanted to share my thoughts as you are leaving someone who has meant an awful lot to you.  It is so hard, I know.  Although you were not married and thankfully owned little property together, there is a huge emotional void.  Taylor has your special person for a long time, and you will always have fond memories knowing that you grew up together.  She's a good role model in some ways, you complimented each other and I know you enjoyed doing a lot of things together.  It's good to recognize what she has meant, and you are grieving for the loss of it.  But as you've matured, seems that she's not the right partner for you anymore.  It's painful & you don't know what the next chapter in your life will hold.

You deserve to have a "true" partner who you love and who loves you for exactly who you are.  Someone healthy who you genuinely like & respect, will laugh and have fun with but who also shares the work of running a household & being an adult.  I think you will find that person in time.

In the meantime, take one day at a time.  Focus on your routine & doing a good job at work, taking care of yourself since you will be drained and dealing with transition for a while to come, enjoying your friends, being sure to go fishing this spring and remember that things will get better over time.  Plus let your family help you in any ways we can - ask for what you need, we are here for you.  I love you.
