Sunday, July 16, 2017


Since my last post......

I updated the picture are the top of the blog to the one I've inserted below.  Steve (our extraordinarily talented, primary photographer) took it.  It was really a very innocent moment; but the cats look downright creepy.

Also, Robby you have been somewhat fixated on baby names lately.  So to add to the previous posting:
  • You like the name "Rain" for a girl, which is a very nice name.  We tried to talk you into Sleet, Fog and Hail too, but you aren't going for it.  You joked with Alex that you are also considering "Eduarda".
  • We are concerned about your latest boy's preferred boy's name , which is "Joof".  Alex is sure he would spend a lot of time fighting over it, and Steve says his nickname would be "ATM" since he would constantly lose his lunch money to his tormentors.  You did a Google search and found that there are "one or fewer" people who have this first name.  Good thing your future wife will have her own opinions.
As a funny conclusion, here's a perfect song for the wrap up the Name posting at least for now.  The comments to this video say it was recorded at a concert for prisoners in San Quentin (not in Denmark):

Friday, July 7, 2017

What's in A Name?

Here's a list of significant and not-so-significant names & related facts ......

  • Alexander the Great - namesake of our Alexander
  • Sasha Finley - Mom's nickname for Alex
  • Robby Cannonball - Mom's nickname for Robby
  • Robster - Aunt Pam's name for our Robby
  • Robinator - Steve's name for Robby
  • Spidershock79 - One of Robby's online names, the origin of which seems to be forgotten
  • Trini Bug - Katrina's (Kate's) childhood nickname
  • Stinky - Becca's childhood, and somewhat unfair, nickname
  • Korin - We are not allowed to mention the only childhood nickname I've heard of, but there's ever the question of whether to pronounce as Koor-in vs Kohr-ihn.
  • Luke - Lucy's current name on Facebook
  • Kai-ruh - Most common pronunciation of Kyra's (Keer-uh's) name
  • Noel and Larson - Most Canadian-sounding kids in Doha, and previously Houston
  • Bob and Bobby - Grandma's names for Grandpa and Dad (as a result, I insisted on calling our boy "Robby")
  • Ruthie - Grandma's favorite alternate name for Aunt Pam
  • Clyde and Chloe - Per GranNana, names that their parents almost chose for your great grandfather (Burke Rivers, her husband) and for her (Phyllis); in which case, they would never have married 
  • Burkey the Turkey - Per GranNana, your great grandfather's nickname made up by his uncle(s); its use was discontinued after he was ordained
  • Uncle John - Namesake of Edie's father, Great Uncle John McCausland (also GranNana's brother)
  • "Joseph Kerr" - Name your Great Aunt Mary Kerr would not choose for one of her sons, as a namesake of her father Joe Zeller (can you think of why?)
  • Gage - Alex's best friend, who Mom once dreamed of as "Battery" (perhaps connecting to "gauge", with car repairs in mind)
  • Lars and Olaf - Robby's friends from camp; one actual, one invented by Steve
  • The Teams (A, B, B modified, G and H teams) - Robby's school friends in groups or singular
  • Pugsley and Pubert - Rather irreverent names for certain neighbors (and a future sister would become "Wednesday")
  • Jeffy - Name of another neighbor as understood my Mom for more than 2 years (turns out his actual name is slightly different)
  • Gwendolyn Priscilla Smythe - The helpful lady who talks to us through the GPS.
  • Fluffius Maximus or Fluffius Minimus - Tiger, depending on the time of year
  • Jonathan and Potato - Alex's and Robby's names for Jean Luc
  • Bill or Fek'lhr - Names not chosen for brand new kitten Jean Luc, thanks (very much) to Kate
  • Rambo - The very unlikely name of a reticent black and white kitty
  • Deacon and Sunday - Names of Mom's childhood "church" kitties
  • Fat Albert - Steve's childhood kitty
  • Lotus Mae - Aunt Pam's childhood kitty

OK, that was fun but exhausting.  Happy Friday !!