Tuesday, September 17, 2013

As Promised

Time to write a bit, after another long break......  The main theme of this post will be "critter pictures", but will be sure include some recent news.

Great Falls National Park (June 2013)  Steve's Post - Birds on the Potomac River

New Hampshire (August 2013) - Starting with Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jack's kitty Dusty, then a gorgeous dragonfly picture.  Thank you, Steve!!

Lake Ganoga (September 2013) - Humingbirds, as seen and photographed (amazing pictures!!) by Steve from Uncle Dick and Aunt Ginny's deck.

Our Kitchen Cabinet  (Today)  After making my lunch @ 7 a.m., I went looking for a dish towel and discovered Tiger!

Latest Happenings
  • Brock's 11th Birthday - We celebrated with Dirt !  .... yummy pudding mix, cool whip, crushed oreo cookies, and gummy worms.  I think your favorite gift was a replacement set of Sony earbuds (bright yellow).  We are still working on plans for birthday dinner at Uncle Bucks in Plymouth.  A kids "event" i.e., trip to Dorney Park is scheduled later this month.
  • Sasha and LARP - Sasha, you have taken an interest in LARPing with friends Jarod and Matt.  When first mentioned to me, I thought it must be something completely inappropriate (like "twerking", for example, which we recently learned about from Miley Cyrus).  Turns out it's not X-rated - you can read more here  -->  Live Action Role-Playing   However, it is very important to carefully make weapons (such as bows out of PVC pipe), so as not to accidentally cut one's hand & end up in the Emergency Room getting stitches.  
  • Teachers' Strike - Today was Day 11 of our local school district's 2013 strike.  Very bad news for all involved.  Brock is spending a couple mornings every week at his friend Stephen's house, which provides a break in routine.  Sasha has spent some time with his friend Robby.  We hope it is over soon, though seems unlikely as the parties are not negotiating.
  • Allowances - Toward the end of the summer, you noticed that your allowances have not been paid in many weeks.  It's true.  I am delinquent, which happens quite regularly with allowance remittances.  I keep thinking about paying up, but not doing so 'cause it seems like a discount should be applied after many fun and somewhat expensive summer activities (like vacations, trips to Camelbeach & Knoebel's, Brock getting locked into the pool building at Nay Aug Park, etc.).  All month, I've had an "Allowance" sticky note up to remind that I must do something.  Ah yes, but what?!?  Brock, I think you are angling to get PS3 game Grand Theft Auto 5 instead of back-allowance...  but all the bleeding in that game is distressing.....  I'll let you know as soon as I decide what to do.  

Critter Finale - As you know, one of my childhood memories involves going with Grandad and Aunt Julie to get fresh chicken for dinner.  We lived in the Dominican Republic then, and trips to the chicken farm were quite memorable.  The "promise" referenced above is to write about this wonderful experience.  As I recollect, it went like this....  Scan the flock of chickens & pick out the one you want.  Then: 1) the chicken is caught, 2) head is cut off using a sharp knife, 3) the headless chicken sometimes escapes and runs around the chicken pen (fascinating to young girls!), 4) it's then placed upside down into a cone until blood drains out, gutted, boiled in water for several minutes, plucked by hand and finally wrapped in paper to bring home.  Very dramatic, for sure.  There are numerous YouTube videos about the process that I can't bring myself to insert here.  So, you'll have to make do with Mike the Headless Chicken.... Brock, thanks for telling me about him; you can see a picture and read more about Mike here:  Lucky Mike