Well, it's been a long time since I posted anything. Work has been hectic, etc., but the main reason for the gap is that the flash drive that many of my pictures were saved to melted after being inserted into the my computer USB port for way too long. This was a huge mistake on my part, I knew that pictures from recent years had not been backed up & didn't take time to do it (in spite of gentle reminders from Steve). I was so upset - feeling sick to my stomach when I thought about it. SO A REMINDER TO YOU, be sure to save important files and especially pictures IN 3 DIFFERENT PLACES.
This is what I was told after taking my flash drive to Custom Computers in Kingston (which Laura Lewis recommended after her computer hard drive crashed, and they helped to retrieve 20 years of her sermons). The flash drive could not be read, so they sent it away to a restoration company which also could not read it after several weeks told me it was hopeless. That was a really bad day. 😢 Well, so what to do about this situation..... Of course I had help, because I have an absolutely wonderful husband (I highly recommend that you also find/have a wonderful partner). So Steve copied pictures from my two latest cell phones and one of Rob's old cell phones. Since I had backed up pictures a few years ago, I found every flash drive in the house, looked at their contents using Steve's laptop and labeled the flash drives. I went through files on my computer hard drive and consolidated all those pictures. Then Steve saved all the various pictures from many sources onto his computer & backed them up. In the end, I lost many pictures from 2016 - 2018, but have mostly everything else. I feel like am the "keeper" of your childhood memories, of which quite a few things were unfortunately lost during the time I was separated from Dad, he moved from the apartment to the front house in Wyoming and ultimately the property sold. So losing pictures was painful, but all-in-all in could have been much worse. I can say that thanks largely to Steve's patience, support and significant time & effort.
Now that I have calmed down, hopefully I will get back into a writing routine. Besides catching up on what you guys are up to, I also want to reflect a bit on 10 years since I created this blog. It was on 11/11/2011 that I started CarrollBoys..... The anniversary has come and gone.....
So until I get those thoughts together, here is a picture from the Santana concert in Bethlehem that you went to with Aunt Pam in September 2021. You know that I love you very much.