On Risk..... "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."As you're growing up, remember that you should try new activities (volleyball? acting?), talk with all kinds of people (a new kid in your class, even if he seems "different" than you), and try to accomplish goals even if they seem very difficult and you can't be sure of the outcome.
I've thought about it more as we continue to read Greek myths. Brock has been especially interested in the story of Heracles - or, in Roman myths, Hercules. Here's a statue of Heracles as a boy strangling a snake:
The Heracles story includes completing many "labors" of incredible difficulty. The first was to kill the Nemean lion, after which Heracles wore the lion's pelt as a coat which was impervious to all the elements and most weapons. My favorite story is found in the eleventh labor, which involved fetching golden apples from Hera's garden guarded by Atlas's daughters the Hesperides. Atlas had been condemned by Zeus to hold up the vault of the heavens..... First Heracles held up the sky for Atlas, who agreed to get the apples from his daughters; then when Atlas planned to leave with the apples, Heracles tricked him into holding the heavens again by telling Atlas he need to rearrange the lion's cloak to pad his shoulders.
So, when interesting opportunities come your way..... think about what your goals are, explore various options, and decide whether you should GO FOR IT (!) in spite of uncertainty. On the theme of learning, here's a song about Heracles "in training" with Philoctetes (learn more about him here --> Phil )...... it's also Brock's favorite song from the Disney movie Hercules, performed by Danny DeVito: