Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Family Time in Webster

In mid September, we spent a weekend with Edie and Jon.  Since Sasha was about 3 years old, we've been making trips to Webster to enjoy time together at Edie's house.  This property originally belonged to your great, great, great grandparents Mary Ellen (Tester) and Andrew Walker, who built the house.  Check out their 1880 marriage certificate, which is framed and hanging in the upstairs hallway here on Sharpe Street.  Some years of their marriage may have been difficult....  family lore holds that Grandfather Andrew lived in the attic for a time.  We've seen a section of the attic with nails along the rafters suggesting a curtain was hung there.  (GrandNana also mentioned that he often had pie for breakfast, so life wasn't all bad !!)  The duplex was built in the late 1800's and has been a home to Walker and John McCausland families.

Some highlights of our weekend:
  • Went to a book sale at the Dudley, MA library.  Sasha got The Orvis Fly-Fishing Guide and Steve got (Daniel Goleman's?) book on Emotional Intelligence.  
  • Found a Webster MA t-shirt for Sasha, featuring the full name of Lake Webster "Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg".  You can read more about the lake here  -->  Lake Webster
  • Went to the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, MA.  It was very interesting and included a Real Vikings program where we learned about Viking life, times and fighting techniques.  We also got to try on armor and helmets, play "Castle Attack", and walk through a huge display of armor from many different cultures and times.  Brock had a great time and got a fancy (although plastic) shield at the Museum Store, after we decided against various swords, spears, and $200+ helmets.  Here's a picture from the spectacular Great Hall, taken by our photographer Steve:

  • Were hosted to a picnic in the beautiful yard at Hill Street.  Enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers, beer and Brock's favorite - playing Frisbee.
  • Spent a day at The Big E in Springfield, MA.  Its full name is the "Eastern States Exhibition", a New England states fair that I never heard of before.  You both especially liked the New Hampshire building, which featured chocolate milk and NH instant lottery tickets.  Steve found some aromatic soap.  Brock and I also spent some time on the Midway.  We went on a Ferris Wheel, which I thought was great and Brock thought went up too high.  AND of course, we munched on lots of tasty stuff for example corn dog on a stick (with ketchup..... hmm, who do you suppose ate this?), gyro, steak sandwich, cider doughnuts, cream puffs, and lemonade.  Steve's picture below shows a typical scene as we walked through the fairgrounds on a gorgeous day:

  • Last, but certainly not least.....  Jon took you, Sasha, on a quick fishing expedition to a pond at a Connecticut golf course he frequents.  It was an early-morning jaunt, and you had very good luck catching sunfish, small-mouth bass, and calico.
We've always enjoyed treks to Webster, including time to relax in the comfortable Hill Street abode and visit with Edie and Jon.  Hope there will be many more trips!

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right about the book! Now I actually have to read it...
