Sunday, December 8, 2019

WA Football State Championship

We are not much into sports, although we were at one time when you boys played baseball (Wyoming/West Wyoming Little League) and soccer (Forty Fort Pioneers and Pittston Stoners).  Alex, you will remember the excitement when your Little League team won the district championship.  Steve and I like going to WA Football games occasionally, especially early in the season while it's warm.  Meanwhile Rob works the Key Club stand during all the games, but barely keeps track of the score.  (I never wanted you to play football because I was concerned about potential serious injuries....  will you forgive me?)

Even so, it must be said that it's a big deal that Wyoming Area won the state AAA league championship yesterday.  This is our district's first state championship, and really will go down in the record books and could help some of our boys get footballs scholarships etc.  Rob successfully avoided pep rallies late last week.  We then heard the sirens as the team was escorted off on its trip to Hershey on Friday, and Rob saw the victory parade getting organized down at the Midway Shopping Center yesterday while hanging out with Key Club friends at Burger King.  And best of all Rob, to recognize this major victory here is no school tomorrow - YAHOO!  (As you said today, supposing that WA goes to the national History Bowl next spring and wins we know for sure that school would be closed to honor that great win as well!)

Maybe sometime you will read all about in the Citizens Voice articles you can link to below. 

WA Wins article

Defense !

Victory Rally at the Stadium

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